Various hand held blades are also studied, normally starting at 3rd kyu level. Shoken come in various forms, however the main tool was designed by Someya, Sensei, the founder of Meifu Shinkage Ryu.
Shokenjutsu uses shuriken as hand weapons. In addition, the founder of Meifu Shinkage Ryu developed a special training tool called Shoken (掌剣). These can be used to study various techniques for stabbing, scratching and slashing, or cutting the attacker.
Shoken are used in pairs, following similar movement trajectory as the Fundo Kusari. Members from 3rd kyu level and higher start training with safety Shoken with rounded edges.
Instead of using the above styled Shoken, members learn to use two Bo-Shuriken in each hand as a Shoken.